Household and Domestic Waste

Residents can dispose of a range of waste at the Red Hill Waste Management Facility, including:


Recycling scroll to top

Recyclable items accepted at Red Hill include:

  • Aluminium Cans  (empty and rinsed)
  • Batteries (dry cell or automotive)
  • Car Bodies (see below for details)
  • Cardboard
  • Clothing (good quality donations only)
  • Electronic Waste (TVs, IT equipment - see below for details)
  • Fluorescent lights
  • Glass bottles and jars (empty and rinsed)
  • Mattresses (Residents only - see below for details)
  • Mobile Telephones
  • Motor Oil only up to 20 litres (no cooking oil)
  • All type 1 (PET) & 2 (HDPE) plastic containers (empty and rinsed)
  • Scrap steel
  • Steel Cans (empty and rinsed)
  • Whitegoods

Please note that the following items are not recyclable:

  • Ceramics
  • Window panes and shower cubicle glass

Please contact the Red Hill Waste Management Facility on (08) 9574 6235 for further information.

Household Hazardous Waste scroll to top

For details on HHW accepted please follow link HERE

Car bodies scroll to top

Residents can dispose of car bodies for a fee. Cars must be empty of rubbish and fuel and licence plates removed.

A full list of fees and charges can be located at

Tyres scroll to top

If you are a resident of one of EMRC's member Councils - Town of Bassendean, City of Bayswater, Shire of Mundaring, City of Swan - you can dispose of a maximum of four tyres (car, 4WD or motorcycle) per visit on payment of the appropriate fees. To dispose of more than four tyres, or truck tyres, contact should be made with ELAN ENERGY MATRIC (08) 6230 2205 or any other tyre recyclers.

Garden Organics scroll to top

Garden Organics must not be contaminated by plastic bags, plant pots and glass etc. The Garden Organics is diverted to EMRC's composting operations and processed into composted mulch. 
Garden Organics should be less than 1.5m long and no more than 300mm in diameter. 
Composted mulch is often made available to residents disposing of waste at the transfer station. Availability cannot be guaranteed. 

Fees apply to the disposal of Garden Organics. For more information visit our Fees and Charges page 

Electronic waste scroll to top

Free Television and IT equipment recycling

You can dispose of unwanted televisions and IT equipment FREE of charge for RECYCLING, diverting them from landfill, reducing dumping and recovering valuable resources at:

Red Hill Waste Management Facility
Address 1094 Toodyay Road
Opening Hours Monday to Friday 8:00am to 4:00pm,
Saturday 8:00am to 4:00pm,
Sunday 10:00am to 4:00pm

Televisions and IT equipment may be dropped off for recycling at any time during the above opening hours.

Accepted items include:

  • Televisions
  • Desktop PCs
  • Laptop PCs
  • Tablets
  • Computer peripherals including:
  • Hard drives
  • Keyboards
  • Computer mice
  • Computer power supplies
  • Network and memory cards
  • Floppy disc and CD / DVD drives
  • Printers
  • Scanners
  • Fax machines

Items NOT accepted:

  • Hazardous waste
  • CRTs that have been removed from their cases or an encased CRT that is cracked or broken
  • Batteries that are not an integral part of the system
  • Refrigerators, washing machines and dryers
  • Vacuum Cleaners
  • Microwaves
  • Other kitchen and household appliances
  • Video and DVD players
  • Hi-fi and stereo equipment
  • Digital and video cameras
  • Computer game consoles and accessories

Mattresses scroll to top

Unwanted mattresses can be disposed at the Red Hill Waste Management Facility or the Hazelmere Resource Recovery Park for a fee. 

A full list of fees and charges can be found at