Our Structure
The EMRC provides services in waste management and education, resource recovery and sustainability initiatives. Working with our member Councils, industry, government agencies and other stakeholders, the EMRC is a model of successful collaboration that delivers tangible benefits to the EMRC Region.
Office of the CEO
Undertakes Council support and governance, human resources, safety, communications, organisational development and strategic planning for the organisation.
Business Support
The team provides administration, information services, financial management, risk management and procurement support to the organisation.
The team is responsible for the Red Hill Waste Management Facility (including the operation of up to four megawatts of electricity from recovered landfill gas), the Hazelmere Resource Recovery Park including the operation of a Circular Energy Recovery Facility (previously referred to as Wood Waste to Energy Plant), the Baywaste Community Recycling Centre and Transfer Station on behalf of the City of Bayswater, and the Coppin Road and Mathieson Road Community Recycling Centres on behalf of the Shire of Mundaring. Operations undertake activities to aid diversion of waste from landfill including composting and mulch processing of greenwaste, FOGO processing, timber and mattress recycling.
The team works with EMRC’s member Councils and regional stakeholders to achieve sustainability outcomes that align with the UN Sustainable Development Goals including emission reduction and energy efficiency, waterwise and water sensitive cities, sustainable and circular economy, and increased community wellbeing and participation. The Circular Economy team provides practical support and advice for waste avoidance, resource recovery, and the progressive rollout of the FOGO waste collection system. The Environmental and Waste Compliance team’s role is to ensure that the EMRC’s processes and activities are undertaken as per the requirements set out in the Red Hill & Hazelmere Licences (DWER) and multiple Ministerial Conditions (EPA)