EMRC E-Newsletter September 2016

In this issue:
I am delighted to report that the annual Avon Descent Family Fun Days events held between 5 -- 7 August 2016, during the 2016 Avon Descent, were a resounding success. This year, there were five events held, with funding from Lotterywest helping participating Councils with their staging costs for the events and supporting a regional marketing campaign that was coordinated by the EMRC.
August also saw the release of the Resource Recovery Facility tender, with briefings held on 30 August 2016 for interested suppliers and a site visit to the Red Hill Waste Management Facility. Construction is continuing at the Hazelmere Resource Recovery Park, with construction commencing on the Wood Waste to Energy Plant and the Commercial and Industrial Waste Sorting Facility nearing completion with staff training starting at the end of September and waste acceptance expected to commence during October 2016.
The EMRC recently hosted a forum for local businesses to help them gain an insight in to what it means to be a 'WALGA preferred supplier' and information on how to compete for local government tenders. This forum was presented by WALGA and was delivered to over 30 local business representatives.
I look forward to keeping you updated on the latest at the EMRC, as we continue to facilitate strategies and actions for the benefit of Perth's Eastern Region.
Chief Executive Officer
Resource Recovery Facility Tender scroll to top
The EMRC released a tender for a Resource Recovery Facility for the region on 13 August 2016 which will be open until January 2017. The project received environmental approval in 2014 but Council opted to put the project on hold while the local government reform process was underway.
The Resource Recovery Facility is a crucial component of the EMRC's integrated plan for sustainable waste management in Perth's Eastern Region. In 2014, it was envisaged that the Resource Recovery Facility would be owned by the EMRC, would be built at the Red Hill Waste Management Facility, would use anaerobic digestion or gasification technologies and would process municipal solid waste collected by our member Councils. During the two year holding period, the market for alternative waste management treatment has changed as a result of different contract models emerging and the EMRC has consequently broadened the scope of the tender to accommodate these advances and to ensure that all viable options for the development of the facility are considered through the tender process.
Additional contract models being considered by the EMRC include a Waste Services Agreement where the facility would be owned and operated by a contractor, and EMRC would be one of a number of waste suppliers to the facility. A Waste Services Agreement model introduces different decision points for the project as tenderers could propose an alternative location, a larger facility, an alternative technology and / or additional waste streams.
The Resource Recovery Facility will deal with the household waste in rubbish bins after residents have reduced, re-used and recycled their waste. Through thermal, chemical and / or biological means, the Resource Recovery Facility will recover useable materials and / or energy from waste, diverting between 70-90% of waste (by volume) from landfill.
For more information on the Resource Recovery Facility visit our RRF page here or please contact Dave Beresford, Manager Resource Recovery, on (08) 9424 2239 or email Dave.Beresford@emrc.org.au
Commercial and Industrial Waste Sorting Facility Progress scroll to top
Following a public tender for the Commercial and Industrial Waste Sorting Facility, as part of the Hazelmere Resource Recovery Park, construction of the facility commenced in May 2016, with significant progress having been made in the last three months. The building that will house the plant has been completed with the new transformer and electrical connection to the Western Power network also completed.
The first containers of equipment arrived on site and the equipment installation commenced mid-August and was completed in mid-September. Commissioning of the plant and training of staff will commence at the end of September with waste acceptance expected to commence from October 2016.
When the facility is fully commissioned it will be able to accept dry commercial and industrial waste, including bulk verge collections from Councils and commercial operators. It will not be accepting putrescible waste, hazardous waste, liquids or asbestos. The intention of the Commercial and Industrial Waste Sorting Facility is to recover any re-useable material from the waste stream, with only the residual material going to landfill.
The anticipated goals of the Commercial and Industrial Waste Sorting Facility are to:
- Achieve a 50% diversion of municipal solid waste presented to the facility from hard-waste / bulk verge collections from Councils
- Achieve a 55% diversion of dry commercial and industrial waste presented to the facility from commercial operators
Recover clean timber from the waste stream to provide additional feedstock to the current wood waste recycling facility
- Establish contracts with commodity recyclers for recovered components
- Complement the long term development of a Resource Recovery Park for Perth's Eastern Region
- Be an integral part of the EMRC's integrated waste management strategy.
The Commercial and Industrial Waste Sorting Facility received part funding from the Waste Authority under the Regional Funding Program.
For more information on the Commercial and Industrial Waste Sorting Facility, please contact Dave Beresford, Manager Resource Recovery, on (08) 9424 2239 or email Dave.Beresford@emrc.org.au

Photo 1 The completed Commercial and Industrial Waste Sorting Facility building
Environment on the Agenda in Strategic Planning scroll to top
The EMRC is taking an active and innovative leadership role in environmental management in Perth's Eastern Region by embracing Sustainable Development Goals and continuing an ongoing partnership with the Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) for Water Sensitive Cities.
At a presentation held at the EMRC on 11 August 2016, EMRC's Councillors and senior member Council staff were briefed on key environmental topics. Dr Dorothy Lucks, Executive Director of SDF Global and a Board member of the International Organisation for Cooperation in Evaluation, presented recent outcomes in the development of Sustainable Development Goals. Regional Executive Director of CRC for Water Sensitive Cities, Professor Anas Ghadouani, of the University of Western Australia provided an overview of research outputs under the Centre and highlighted projects currently being undertaken within the region.
Global Sustainable Development Goals came about as a result of the United Nations "2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development" which was adopted in September 2015 and then ratified by the Federal Government of Australia for implementation. The EMRC is embracing these goals as a framework for the development of the Regional Environmental Strategy 2016-2020, which will guide environmental initiatives delivered in Perth's Eastern Region.
When released, this new strategy will make the EMRC one of the first organisations in Australia to progress regional environmental management through the Sustainable Development Goals framework. The EMRC is pleased to lead the way by incorporating this framework for the benefit of the region and in partnership with our member Councils.
The presentation also highlighted the EMRC as an inaugural partner of the CRC for Water Sensitive Cities. The Centre was established in July 2012 to help change the way we design, build and manage our cities by valuing the contribution water makes to economic development, quality of life and the ecosystems. The ongoing partnership is supporting the EMRC to provide leadership and innovation in water management in the region. This role included assisting the City of Swan to become one of only two local governments in Western Australia to trial an index tool as well as disseminating the valuable research to member Councils to support ongoing improvements in water management across the region.
The EMRC has a focus on environmental sustainability and this partnership supports our contribution to improved water management. By working with our member Councils and partnering with the CRC for Water Sensitive Cities, the EMRC will ensure that our region is on the path to becoming water sensitive.
For more information on Sustainable Development Goals, the Regional Environment Strategy 2016-2020 or CRC for Water Sensitive Cities, please contact Naomi Rakela, Manager Environmental Services, on (08) 9424 2273 or email Naomi.Rakela@emrc.org.au
To commemorate National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee (NAIDOC) week (3 -- 10 July 2016), Bush Skills 4 Youth held two Aboriginal Culture workshops during the July school holidays, each with a distinctive theme.
Women's Knowledge, aimed at 11 to 16 year old girls, was held on 12 July 2016 at Success Hill Reserve, Bassendean. Participants and their mums met Aboriginal guide, Marissa Verma, in the picnic area where Marissa displayed artefacts that have been traditionally used by women. The group were introduced to cultural women's knowledge, including women's roles and traditional activities undertaken by women. Marissa then took everyone on a walk through the bushland in the reserve and talked about the significance of the area. To conclude a wonderful day out, the group shared afternoon tea, which included ingredients from the bush.
Hunting and Gathering saw boys aged 11 to 16 years old, learning about traditional hunting and gathering practices. The workshop was held on 13 July 2016, at Farrel Grove picnic area in Beelu National Park, near Mundaring Weir. On a journey through the forest with Aboriginal guide, Zac Walker from the Department of Parks and Wildlife, participants learnt how Indigenous people have lived sustainably for thousands of years. Zac also introduced the boys to traditional tools and the group discovered the many uses of plants and animals and the importance of totems in sustainable land management.
The Bush Skills 4 Youth program is supported by Lotterywest and for more information on the program, please contact Catherine Levett, Environmental Project Officer, on (08) 9424 2244 or email Catherine.Levett@emrc.org.au
Photo 2 Bush food collected at Success Hill Reserve, Bassendean |
Photo 3 Fire making at Farrel Grove, Beelu National Park |
Local Business Gets a Boost Working for Local Government scroll to top
More than 30 local businesses from across Perth's Eastern Region gained an insight into competing for local government tenders through a How to do business with local government forum that was hosted by the EMRC. The forum was held on 6 July 2016 in partnership with the Town of Bassendean, City of Bayswater, City of Belmont and Shire of Mundaring and included attendees from businesses located within those local government areas. Businesses of all sizes were represented, from single operators to large scale companies.
The presenters, Mr Dale Chapman and Mr Michael McClue from WALGA, acknowledged the benefits of reaching such a varied cross section of businesses in one place. The forum focused on how to best respond to local government tenders, what it means to become a WALGA 'preferred supplier' and the process for gaining pre-qualified status.
The EMRC has worked with our member Councils to support the development of local businesses in the region since 1998 and these businesses benefit from a collaborative local government approach provided on a regional scale. By working together, the EMRC, Town of Bassendean, City of Bayswater, City of Belmont and Shire of Mundaring can attract key presenters and business experts, providing a one of a kind experience for local businesses.
EMRC Receives Family Fun Days Funding scroll to top
The EMRC was successful in receiving a grant of $155,000 (ex GST) from Lotterywest to support family fun on the banks of the Avon and Swan Rivers during the 2016 Avon Descent. The Honourable Mia Davies, Minister for Water; Sport and Recreation; Forestry and the Deputy Leader of the National Party (WA), presented the grant certificate to the EMRC on behalf of Lotterywest.
The grant provided valuable funds to deliver five free family-orientated events alongside the iconic Avon Descent white-water race, which was held on 5 -- 7 August 2016, and also supported a collaborative regional marketing campaign coordinated by the EMRC. The grant helped support free events hosted by Town of Bassendean, City of Bayswater, City of Belmont, Shire of Northam and Shire of Toodyay, which were held at various times across the Avon Descent weekend.
For more information on the 2016 Avon Descent Family Fun Days, please contact Catriona McNaughton, Communications Coordinator, on (08) 9424 2255 or email Catriona.McNaughton@emrc.org.au

Photo 4 Avon Descent Family Fun Days Cheque Presentation. (L-R EMRC Director Regional Services, Mrs Wendy Harris; EMRC Chairman, Cr David Fardig; Hon. Mia Davies; Lotterywest Board Member, Mr Garry Trinder; EMRC CEO Mr Peter Schneider)
Battery Collection Program Winners scroll to top
It is estimated that Western Australians throw away over 18 million household batteries to landfill every year and in order to prevent this the EMRC developed the Battery Collection program for schools and public places throughout Perth's Eastern Region in 2004.
In 2015/2016 batteries were collected from 86 schools and 34 public places within the region, including libraries, shopping centres and council offices. Belmont Forum was the highest collecting public place with 1,737.7kgs of batteries, followed by Midland Gate, which collected 851.3kgs of batteries.
For the Battery Collection program schools are divided into the categories of small schools, medium schools and large schools, with prizes being awarded in each category for the school that collects the most batteries. This year's prizes consisted of vouchers for gardening supplies, iScope Stands and a bus for an excursion to the Red Hill Waste Management Facility. The results of the top schools are listed below, with Glen Forrest Primary School taking out the Most Improved title for 2015/2016:
Small School Category
Winner |
Chidlow Primary School with a collection of 78.3kgs of batteries |
Runner Up |
Belmont Primary School with a collection of 76.5kgs of batteries |
Medium School Category
Winner |
Darlington Primary School with a collection of 282.2kgs of batteries |
Runner Up |
Woodlupine Primary School with a collection of 241.3kgs of batteries |
Large School Category
Winner |
High Wycombe Primary School with a collection of 347.0kgs of batteries |
Runner Up |
Bullsbrook College with a collection of 312.5kgs of batteries |
For more information on the EMRC Battery Collection program, please contact Bronwyn Lee, Waste Education Officer, on (08) 9424 2271 or email Bronwyn.Lee@emrc.org.au
Council and committee meeting dates scroll to top
Meeting dates for 2016 are available online:
EMRC Council
EMRC Committees