EMRC E-Newsletter - October 2017

EMRC E-Newsletter

In this issue:

 CEO's Message scroll to top

PETER B. SCHNEIDERIt has been an exciting period here at the EMRC, having moved a step closer to the provision of a resource recovery solution for the region with the decision at the September Special Council meeting to confirm a consortium led by Hitachi Zosen Inova (HZI) as the preferred tenderer and we look forward to finalising the various agreements with HZI. The EMRC's priority has always been and continues to be, the sustainable and efficient management of waste and recovery of resources from the waste stream. More information will be provided in the next edition.

I am also proud to announce the launch of our major road safety initiative, the "Share the Space" campaign. In conjunction with our Regional Road Safety Report Card released earlier in April, the EMRC is doing its best to ensure road safety in the Perth's Eastern Region. I am delighted with the EMRC's role in assisting the community to minimise harm when utilising the transport network.

An immense challenge has also been overcome by our Waste Management team with controlling the amount of storm water traveling offsite.

The EMRC have always believed in equal employment opportunity and I am honoured we have been acknowledged at the Lighthouse Awards in the Lighthouse Grants Project category for our focus in assisting people with disabilities in the workplace.

I look forward to keeping you updated on the latest at the EMRC, as we continue to facilitate strategies and actions for the benefit of Perth's Eastern Region.


Chief Executive Officer

Program in focus - Regional Road Safety Program scroll to top

The EMRC and its member Councils have identified the provision of an efficient and safe transport network in Perth's Eastern Region as a priority. This is to ensure that the community are not exposed to harm or perceived risk when utilising or interacting with the transport network. In December 2015, the EMRC Council adopted the Regional Road Safety Plan 2015-2018, reinvigorating the EMRC's commitment to supporting road safety actions. The plan was developed through rigorous review of relevant strategic documents at federal, state and local government levels and analysing Main Roads WA crash statistics from 2010-2014. The Regional Road Safety Plan comprises five key focus areas; Safe Roads and Roadsides, Safe Road Use, Safe Vehicles, Safe Speeds and Road Safety Planning and Governance. These key focus areas align with those set out in the federal and State Governments' road safety strategies. The vision of the plan is to "support, assist and advocate for the development of a fatality and serious injury free road network in Perth's Eastern Region".

During 2017, the EMRC has undertaken two key road safety projects in consultation with the EMRC's Regional Integrated Transport Strategy Implementation Advisory Group. The strength of the EMRC as a regional local government is its ability to coordinate collaboration between agencies that supports a holistic and well thought-out approach to future transport planning. The EMRC's Regional Integrated Transport Strategy Implementation Advisory Group represents a broad section of the Western Australian transport planning advocates and decision makers with diverse skillsets and priorities. Organisations represented on the group include the EMRC, all six of EMRC's member Councils, Department of Transport, Main Roads Western Australia, Public Transport Authority, Department of Planning, Perth Airport, Western Australian Road Transport Association, Road Safety Commission, RAC and the Western Australian Local Government Association. The vast number of agencies involved in development of the Regional Road Safety Plan and their ongoing involvement in providing direction to the resulting actions is important for achieving outcomes that benefit all of Perth's Eastern Region.

The effect of road trauma costs the community considerably, both socially and financially. In April 2017, the EMRC released the Regional Road Safety Report Card. The report card identifies road safety issues and areas that require attention. Between 2011 and 2015, there were 107 fatalities on the roads within the region and thousands more people who were hospitalised or required medical treatment. Improving road safety for all road users across the region is a priority and the ongoing review of road crash data is an important foundation to guide future interventions.


On 7 August, the EMRC released its second major road safety initiative for the year, the "Share the Space" campaign. The EMRC's and its member Councils identified the need for greater awareness of cycling and road safety issues, especially in the wake of an increase in bicycle riders on Perth roads. This is in conjunction with the deteriorating relationship between motorists, bicycle riders and pedestrians. Through the development of the project, the EMRC identified the opportunity to partner with neighbouring metropolitan councils and agencies so that the campaign had greater impact and could be delivered more efficiently. The Town of Cambridge, the Cities of Cockburn, Perth and Vincent, Bicycling Western Australia and West Cycle have given their support to this campaign.

The EMRC developed a series of short videos that aim to encourage predictable and courteous behaviours and discourage distractions whilst walking, cycling and driving on our roads, shared paths, trails and footpaths. The star of the campaign, Stevie, represents a typical member of the community who most of the time does the right thing, but sometimes needs some help sharing the space. Three short videos show Stevie in different scenarios that we all have experienced from time to time and identify behaviours that can help reduce conflicts and safety issues. To help us all enjoy walking, cycling and driving in Perth, the campaign aims to encourage conversations about other behaviours that could help us all share the space.

distractions courteous distractions1

The provision of a safe, efficient and effective transport network in Perth's Eastern Region, where all road, public transport and active transport users feel safe and not exposed to harm when utilising or interacting with the network, is a priority for the EMRC.

More information on the Regional Road Safety Plan 2015 -- 2018, Road Safety Report Card and Share the Space campaign can be found on the EMRC's website.

Waste Management - Storm Water Control scroll to top

During the first half of 2017 the Waste Management Team carried out several stormwater control projects. The original topography in the Farm Stage 1 & 2 area allowed stormwater to naturally flow north offsite. This increased the volume of stormwater entering this catchment. The only alternative was to redirect the water eastward, however the challenge was this was uphill and we all know water doesn't flow uphill.

"Challenge Accepted"

The Waste Management team set about designing suitable drainage structures which would indeed send the excess stormwater east. With the Waste Management team's vast knowledge of the site topography a substantial stormwater drain was constructed to the north of the landfill that captures all stormwater run-off from the Farm Stage 1 & 2 landfill. The new storm water pond also provides another vital water source during the summer months when water is scarce.

The stormwater drain, which is 500m long, is lined with 2,500 tonnes of stone pitching with an underlying geotextile. Works were completed in time for the ultimate test, 'winter'. This year we had an exceptionally wet winter and the works came through with flying colours.

A second major drain of similar design was also constructed along the eastern edge. This drain is 280m long and contains 1,500 tonnes of stone pitching. The drain can be extended to cater for future landfilling in the green waste processing area, if and when required.

These two drains will play an important role in stormwater management around the site. These new drains will also be the blueprints for how future drains are constructed on site.

For more information on the Stormwater Control, please contact, Mike Turner on mike.turner@emrc.org.au.

pond full drain
earthwork pond

EMRC Receives Lighthouse Awards Special Commendation scroll to top

The Lighthouse Project is a partnership between the Disability Services Commission and Local Government Managers Australia WA. It aims to increase the employment of people with disabilities in local government. The EMRC was one of 29 Local Government Authorities (LGAs) in Western Australia who received funding under the Lighthouse Project in 2016.

The EMRC used the grant to implement a project titled "Fostering an Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Ethos within the EMRC", which was designed to achieve the following outcomes:

The development of an inclusive organisational culture and a disability 'confident' organisation, with staff more informed about disability and better able to make decisions that break down potential barriers that people with disability may face.

The development of effective management practices where merit-based recruitment and appointment still applies, but any unconscious bias and assumptions regarding disability are identified and removed.

The EMRC used the grant funding to provide disability focussed training to staff and also to review recruitment policies and procedures. The EMRC partnered with disability services provider Edge Employment Solutions and Another Angle Consulting as part of the project.

The grant has strengthened the EMRC's commitment to providing an inclusive workplace and employing people with disability within the organisation. The EMRC CEO Mr Peter Schneider said the EMRC is continuing its long term partnership with Edge Employment Solutions to increase employment of people with disabilities to assist with our operations at the Hazelmere Resource Recovery Park and the Red Hill Waste Management Facility. Through the training provided, there has been an increase in confidence by all staff members in working and supporting co-workers with disabilities to become independent and productive members of the EMRC.

On 25 August the EMRC was presented with a Special Commendation in the Grant-Funded Project category of the Lighthouse Awards hosted by LG Professionals WA Community Development Network, NDS WA's Access and Inclusion Sub Committee, and WALGA.

For more information, please contact, Prapti Mehta on prapti.mehta@emrc.org.au.

Prapti Mehta

EMRC Runner Up in the Regional Development Innovation Awards scroll to top

Thanks to the EMRC's newly adopted Regional Environment Strategy 2016-2020, the EMRC has been announced the runner up of the Environment and Sustainability Award category in this year's Regional Development Innovation Awards hosted by the Australian Regional Development Conference (ARDC).

Partnered by its member Councils, the EMRC is making Perth's Eastern Region one of the first in Australia to progress environmental management under the global Sustainable Development Goals set out in the United Nations 2030 Agenda. Protecting natural resources and addressing climate change, pollution and planning issues is fundamental to the environmental, social and economic well-being of the region. Diverse land uses must be managed to ensure minimal impact on environmental assets, while also providing sustainable economic development, transport and planning options. This is all to provide healthy, resilient spaces for people to live, work, play and do business in.

The region's natural assets face increasing pressure from competing uses; from development of areas for economic benefit and provision of health and welfare services to environmental protection for habitat and clean water. The Regional Environment Strategy 2016 -- 2020 guides the EMRC in its facilitation of regional environmental activities. It recognises the individual priorities of its member Councils and their local environmental strategies and acknowledges state and federal priorities.

The Sustainable Development Goals provide a new strategic methodology for the EMRC, member Councils and stakeholders to achieve excellence in environmental protection. Under the global Sustainable Development Goals framework, which has been ratified by the Australian Government, programs and initiatives will align with future funding sources. This is to ensure that the strategy remains sustainable to continue to deliver on ground initiatives and support community participation in environmental outcomes. The strategy is flexible and adaptable, considering the needs of all stakeholders and the importance of a collaborative approach to achieving outcomes.

The EMRC is very proud and excited to help guide the future of the eastern region through the implementation of the Regional Environment Strategy.

For more information on the Regional Environmental Strategy, please contact, Wendy Harris on wendy.harris@emrc.org.au.

Swan River Ramble and 'ride2market' Projects Win Awards# scroll to top

Exciting news! The EMRC has recently been announced the recipient of two awards from the Heart Foundation; a highly commended State acknowledgement in the Local Government category for the Swan River Ramble and the #ride2market projects and a winner in the National Innovation category for the Swan River Ramble.
The #ride2market project was a series of companion events supporting and enhancing existing local farmers and hawker markets in Perth's Eastern Region by providing bicycle valet services and $10 market voucher incentives to encourage cycling for transport.

Commencing in 2015, the events have attracted hundreds of "everyday" bicycle riders and unearthed different styles of bikes to cater for transportation purposes. From trailers that transport kids and pets, to bikes with front and rear baskets to carry home market goodies, #ride2market has encouraged people to choose bicycles over cars as a healthy way to get around Perth's Eastern Region.

The events were delivered in collaboration with the Kalamunda Farmers Markets, Maylands Hawker Markets, Mundaring Sunday Markets, Old Perth Road Markets, Stirling Square Markets, Perth's Autumn Festival, Bike Week, with support from WestCycle and the Department of Transport.

The not-for-profit market operators expressed their gratitude for inclusion of the #ride2market project. Many operators run on tight budgets and appreciated the extra promotion #ride2market project generated.

The Swan River Ramble project is an exciting new activity for walkers, recreational cyclists and families to enjoy. Colourful path signage and QR codes have been installed to highlight attractions along the Swan River recreational shared path. The signage and codes were completed March 2017 and the project remains ongoing.

Using and promoting the existing recreational shared path around the Swan River, this project demonstrated EMRC's collaborative approach to delivering a regionally significant project across several local government boundaries. In total, fourteen QR codes were placed around the Swan River to enable participants to answer a question about the location they were currently in. A fictional character named Eric directed the participants, which was a fun way for children and families to interact and enjoy all that the Swan River has to offer. A competition was held for correctly answering the location question and a winner picked at random. Lucas, a 10 year old boy who lives in the region, was the winner and was presented with a prize by the EMRC's CEO, Peter Schneider.

The main objectives of the projects were to encourage recreational walking and cycling behaviours, promote the use of existing recreational, environmental and active transport infrastructure, increase regional visitation, trial the use of the Street Graphic products as a viable method for trail markers and increase the use of digital formats of trail maps through engagement of the perthtourism.com.au website using QR codes on the trail.

For more information on the Swan River Ramble and #ride2market, please contact, Wendy Harris on wendy.harris@emrc.org.au.


EMRC Bimonthly Recycling Tips scroll to top

The EMRC is very proud of our contribution to limiting waste and we believe this is our opportunity to provide some helpful tips.

Got an old television or computer monitor not in use? Don't waste your time and money taking it to your local junkyard, that won't help anyone. The Redhill Waste Management Facility will take your old monitors FREE of charge. Not only does this help your wallet but also the environment. Computers and other electronic equipment are made from hundreds of different materials. Many of these materials are inherently valuable, such as gold and platinum. They will be extracted and reused in manufacture as a 'secondary' raw material. The Redhill Waste Management Facility is located at 1094 Toodyay Rd, Red Hill.

Did you know you can recycle your household batteries? Over 18 million household batteries are thrown away to landfill each year. You can recycle your household batteries by dropping them off in the battery bins in Perth's Eastern Region; located at all local libraries, all local council offices and selected shopping centres. Steel, zinc and manganese are recycled from the everyday alkaline battery. The steel is reused to make steel beams to support houses. Zinc is used for galvanizing products such as light posts found on street corners. Manganese is used for making new batteries and steel alloys. Recycling our household batteries means that we are helping our planet by saving valuable natural resources. For a list of battery recycling bin locations around Perth, visit www.rgang.org.au or www.zerowastewa.com.au.

For more information on our tips, please contact, Bronwyn Lee on bronwyn.lee@emrc.org.au.

Council and committee meeting dates scroll to top

Meeting dates for 2017 are available online:

EMRC Council

EMRC Committees