EMRC E-Newsletter - July 2017

In this issue:
As we move into the new financial year, I look back on the last 12 months with immense pride. First and foremost, the EMRC has made exciting headway on development of the Hazelmere Resource Recovery Park. In November we launched our Commercial and Industrial Waste Sorting Facility and construction of the Wood Waste to Energy Plant is now well underway. We are also in the final stages of awarding the tender for the alternative waste treatment technology which will support a sustainable and integrated waste future for Perth's Eastern Region. I would like to acknowledge the exceptional effort and commitment from not only our own staff, but from our member Councils, that was required to reach this point, and I look forward to providing you with more information once the contracts have been finalised, in the coming months.
While forging ahead with our waste management business, our Regional Services Directorate has reviewed their core guiding strategies and developed, in partnership with our member Councils and key stakeholders, a new vision for the region. The Regional Environment Strategy is a particular highlight, demonstrating the EMRC's innovative approach in progressing regional priorities, as we become one of the first organisations in Australia to progress environmental management under the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Framework. These strategies will support the ongoing work of the Regional Services Directorate in delivering successful and pioneering projects, many of which have been highlighted in this year's newsletters.
I thank the EMRC staff and our many stakeholders for making this past year so successful and for their dedication to ensuring that Perth's Eastern Region is a great place to live, work, play and do business. I look forward to another fruitful year working with you all.
Peter Schneider
Chief Executive Officer
Program in focus - Regional Events program scroll to top
The EMRC has facilitated regional tourism development activities in the region through collaboration with member councils and the tourism industry since 1998. Over the nineteen year history, the activities have ranged from research and advocacy to promotion of events and trails. The projects undertaken have been guided by various strategies, plans, research and advocacy. Many tourism activities also provide benefits for the local community in terms of access to activities, development of a sense of place and community pride. The EMRC has recently streamlined the tourism program to focus on activities that continue to deliver greatest benefit to member councils and the region and providing a leadership role in promoting Perth's Eastern Region as a fantastic place to live, primarily through two key regional event campaigns.
The EMRC's award winning regional events program sets out to leverage local community events, designed to attract a relatively local market, and support these events through attraction of a wider audience and coordination of additional grant funding and regional marketing. The regional events program provides a cost-effective mechanism for promoting to a much wider audience through its regional approach. The marketing strategy is a long term approach with each individual event campaign aiming to cultivate an established brand and regional identity. The program builds on the competitive advantage of marketing the region as a whole. Consistent creative elements are used throughout the long-term campaign with a focus on capturing the attention of the target market.
The Avon Descent Family Fun Days are a range of family-friendly events with fantastic activities, entertainment and food provided along the river to coincide with the Avon Descent White Water Race. These annual events provide a great opportunity for the community to come out and support the competitors as they tackle this incredibly challenging race. With five family fun day events spread along the 124km of river foreshore, incorporating a huge range of on-shore activities, this is a great weekend for the community and visitors to get outdoors with family and friends. For more than 15 years the EMRC has supported our member and adjacent councils in delivering the Avon Descent Family Fun Days. Each year the EMRC apply for, manage and acquit significant Lotterywest funding which supports both a collective regional marketing campaign and member Councils' staging costs. With the acquittal completed for the 2016 events, the EMRC has secured more than two and a half million dollars for the region through these events alone since becoming involved.
The other key event, Perth's Autumn Festival, is a collection of community events held across the region from 1 March to 30 May 2017. Since the EMRC became involved in 2000, the festival program has developed from the promotion of two initial events: the City of Bayswater and City of Belmont Autumn River Festivals, to a suite of events nominated by member Councils over a six week period in autumn. In 2014, it was identified that successful festival events throughout Perth often had a core event program and an assortment of 'fringe' events to create the overall festival. This model was adopted with Perth's Autumn Festival in 2014. Council nominated events remain at the heart of the festival program with a wide variety of 'fringe' events promoted to a lesser extent.
With multiple events on every weekend throughout autumn, promotion of the festival highlights all aspects of the region and increases the profile of the region as a fantastic place to live and visit. The inaugural 'Hello Spring' campaign was held in 2015. "Hello Spring" follows the successful Perth's Autumn Festival structure with a focus on promotion of walking or cycling to community events across the region for the full season of spring. Promotion focuses on free event entry and free and low-cost activities, bike friendly events and linkages between the events which support ongoing community activity across the region.
The activities undertaken by the EMRC aim to accomplish a greater appreciation of the experiences on offer in Perth's Eastern Region. This involves the facilitation of regional, cultural and recreational events, to aid in encouraging visitation which supports economic and social outcomes. The planning required for execution of the campaigns is complex due to the numerous organisations involved. A number of non-government stakeholders also contribute to the program including not for profit organisations, community groups, event organisers and facility managers. The level of collaboration required by the EMRC, participating councils, funding bodies and other stakeholders is an intricate arrangement that necessitates detailed planning and strong commitment from each party over a significant period for each campaign. By working together, the region leverages a stronger and more cohesive position within the tourism market and supports council investments in events to maximise marketing budgets and expand market reach.
For more information about the Regional Events program visit Our Community page
Family Fun at the 2017 Avon Descent scroll to top
Come along to the 2017 Avon Descent Family Fun Days! Enjoy free entertainment and watch the participants challenge the Avon and Swan rivers in a variety of paddle and power craft in an exciting two-day time trial over 124 gruelling kilometres.
Celebrate the excitement of the start of the race at the Shire of Northam's Avon River Festival on Friday, 4 August 2017. Held from 4:00pm to 9:00pm, this year's highlights include a huge fireworks display, stage show featuring a variety of local talent, a family fun zone and local food venues and street food. Combine the thrill of the Avon Descent with delicious cuisine from 10:00am to 4:00pm on Saturday, 5 August, in Toodyay. Taste buds will be tempted by dozens of mouth-watering international cuisine stalls as the main stage comes to life with a range of performances inspired from around the globe. Kids of all ages have been catered for with free activities running throughout the day.
On Sunday, 6 August, there are three fantastic events on offer. From 11:00am to 2:00pm you can cheer on competitors and enjoy free fun family activities with the Town of Bassendean's Vantage Viewing Locations. Head down to the picturesque Point Reserve to enjoy free activities for all of the family, including a free sausage sizzle. Alternatively, from 11:30am to 3:30pm, visit the City of Belmont's Avon Descent Family Fun Day. Enjoy live race commentary on the banks of the beautiful Swan River in Garvey Park in a large marquee with seating. There will be free children's activities, the Junior Sports Expo, bicycle maintenance and much more. City of Belmont residents can bring their City of Belmont Opportunity Card for free food and beverage offers, giveaways and discounted helicopter rides (limits apply). At the City of Bayswater FinishLine Family Fun Day, from 11:00am to 6:00pm you can join support crews and spectators to welcome competitors over the finish line and enjoy fun for all the family with free entertainment for all ages.
We thank and acknowledge Lotterywest for their generous support of the 2017 Avon Descent Family Fun Days.
Enjoy a family day out at one of these events, or make a weekend out of it and see all five. For more information visit perthtourism.com.au

Funding supports continued flood research scroll to top
The EMRC has been successful in receiving $70,000 funding under the Natural Disaster Resilience Program, administered by the Western Australian State Emergency Management Committee, under a National Partnership Agreement between the Western Australian and Commonwealth governments to deliver Stage Four of the Understanding and Managing Flood Risk in Perth.
The Natural Disaster Resilience Program aims to develop safer, sustainable and more resilient communities, better able to withstand the effects of natural disasters. The EMRC will again partner with the Department of Water, Cities of Swan, Bayswater, Belmont and South Perth and the Towns of Bassendean and Victoria Park to deliver stage four, which builds on previous research undertaken as part of the overall 'Understanding and Managing Flood Risk in Perth' project.
Three stages of the project are already completed or underway. A hydrology assessment for the mainstream Swan River was undertaken as the first stage of the project. Stage Two provided updated modelling and mapping of the Swan and Helena Rivers, with consideration of the effects of climate change. This information was used to inform flood hazard mitigation strategies and decision making on proposed land use and development of the floodplain as part of Stage Three.
Stage Four has two key components. Firstly, a web-based flood intelligence platform will be developed and used to provide the mapping and flood hazards information to emergency management agencies, local government and water industry. Initial Flood Risk Adaptation planning will be undertaken for each participating local government area developed in consultation with stakeholders, focusing potential risks and flexible adaptation options.
A full understanding of expected flood events is required in providing the planning, infrastructure design and insurance to the flood emergency response. Without it, making informed decisions in relation to potential flooding risks and developing appropriate risk management strategies becomes harder. This project aims to make information on flood risk readily available so that government, risk managers and planners can make informed risk management and development decisions, as well as assist with the adaptation process.
For more information on the Understanding and Managing Flood Risk in Perth project, please contact Joanne Woodbridge, Environment and Sustainability Coordinator, on (08) 9424 2243 or email Joanne.Woodbridge@emrc.org.au
Did you know Australians use four billion plastic bags each year? Single use plastic has become common place, particularly for packaging and shopping bags. Reducing the amount of plastic you use can be easy!
The EMRC's Waste Education Team, in partnership with a dedicated team of 10 Earth Carer Volunteers, successfully ran Plastic Free July -- Let's Get Ready at the Kalamunda Farmers Market 25 June 2017. The event gave participants useful reusable items to help them take on the Plastic Free July challenge.
Thanks to the hours of prep work put in by the Earth Carers, participants were able to make a beeswax wrap and t-shirt bag and take part in a plastic free shopping tour through the market. The event included three amazing guest speakers and demonstrations on green cleaning and how to make your own toothpaste and deodorant. Participants were also able to find out about how easy it is to swap out single use plastic items for reusable items and wrote a Plastic Free July pledge. Children got into the spirit with a selection of games and activities such as decorating their own reusable shopping bag.
Plastic Free July -- Let's Get Ready is into its second year with last year's being held in the City of Swan. The event would not have been possible without the support from the Kalamunda Farmers Market and the EMRC Earth Carers. To get your own tips on living plastic free visit www.rgang.org.au/living-plastic-free.html
Farewell to a regional stalwart scroll to top
The EMRC would like to acknowledge and farewell City of Belmont CEO Mr Stuart Cole who retires next month after an illustrious 42 year career in local government, including 22 years at the City of Belmont. The EMRC has been privileged to work closely with Mr Cole and recognises his 9 year contribution on the EMRC's Chief Executive Officers Advisory Committee. His statesmanlike support for, and commitment to, the EMRC and regional projects has been commendable and we wish him the best for the future.
Fun and fund-raising at tree planting scroll to top
The EMRC prioritises environmental performance as a key element in the planning and management of waste management activities. Each year, staff tree-planting days are held to support ongoing revegetation in and around Red Hill Waste Management Facility and to provide another opportunity for staff from all sites to come together.
Staff get involved in the 2017 Staff Tree Planting Day |
1,750 trees were planted by staff on 23 June 2017. Despite the cold weather, team spirit and sunny skies kept everyone warm and made for a successful day. During the day staff also took the opportunity to raise funds for Purple Bra Day, with a highlight being providing purple cupcakes to customers who donated at the Red Hill Waste Management Facility weighbridge. Funds received support Breast Cancer Care WA.
The EMRC has also been working with Conservation Volunteers Australia (CVA) to support revegetation efforts on site. The volunteers include students, people with disabilities and retirees who want to get involved with the environment. Collectively over a period of four weeks the volunteers have planted over 4,000 plants. Revegetation of the site improves native biodiversity and aids in preventing weed establishment.
For more information on environmental management at the Red Hill Waste Management Facility, contact EMRC's Manager Waste, Environmental Operations, Sandra Evans on (08) 9424 2249 or sandra.evans@emrc.org.au
Corporate and Strategic Plan scroll to top
The EMRC is a regional council working on behalf of its six member Councils - Town of Bassendean, City of Bayswater, City of Belmont, Shire of Kalamunda, Shire of Mundaring to service approximately 360,000 residents who live within Perth's Eastern Region. We assist our member Councils to successfully turn challenges into opportunities, ensuring that the entire region fulfils its potential as one of Western Australia's most vibrant and fast growing areas.
From September 2015 to April 2016, the EMRC coordinated a series of workshops for EMRC Councillors, member Council and EMRC staff and key stakeholders. The workshops aimed to identify major factors that will impact on Perth's Eastern Region over the next ten years and identify key future opportunities and new services that the EMRC could provide to member Councils. The resulting 10 Year Strategic Plan 2017 to 2027 was adopted by Council on 18 August 2016 for implementation from 1 July 2017 onwards; following a public consultation period.
The 10 Year Strategic Plan 2017 to 2027 is a shared vision between EMRC and its member Councils. It has been developed to guide and inform the actions that will be taken over the next 10 years to benefit the community that live, work, play and do business in the region. The focus is on continuing to work towards making Perth's Eastern Region a resilient, connected, innovative, liveable, culturally rich and sustainable Region that meets the needs of current and future generations in Perth's Eastern Region through integration of environmental protection, social advancement and economic prosperity, supported by good governance.
The 10 Year Strategic Plan 2017 to 2027 is available on the EMRC's public website.
Schedule of Fees and Charges scroll to top
EMRC's fees and charges for the period 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2018 can be found online here.
Council and committee meeting dates scroll to top
Meeting dates for 2017 are available online:
EMRC Council
EMRC Committees