Regional Advocacy

The future sustainability of Perth's Eastern Region will be largely dependent on the strength and ability of the region to pool its resources to compete for, and attract, government funding and infrastructure investment. Advocacy focuses on the following key areas:

Environmental sustainability

The health, protection and sustainable use of the Swan and Helena Rivers;
A natural environment that is protected, enhanced and maintained for future generations;
The region is well placed to adapt to the impacts of climate change; and
The continued improvement of regional resource recovery and waste management activities.

Economic growth

An effective and integrated transport system with improved public transport infrastructure and servicing;
The establishment and optimum utilisation of high speed, reliable broadband in the region; and
The facilitation of economic development and investment opportunities.

Strong communities

  • Enhanced social inclusion and access to facilities, health, education and community services for all residents; and
  • The provision of infrastructure that ensures quality education outcomes, health, cultural and lifestyle opportunities.

Advocacy and relationship building is aimed at increasing awareness of Perth's Eastern Region and the role of the EMRC. It also provides an opportunity to identify and capitalise on future funding opportunities to support regional scale projects and activities. Other actions of regional relevance include applying for regional grants and providing regional representation on peak bodies and committees including:

  • NorthLink Southern Construction Group and Freight and Road User Group
  • NorthLinkWA Environmental Reference Group
  • Northam Avon Descent Association
  • WALGA Cycling Reference Group
  • Perth NRM - Swan NRM Committee
  • Perth NRM - Light Industry Working Group
  • River Protection Strategy Advisory Group
  • Sustainability Officers Networking Group
  • North East Youth Organisations Network
  • Sustainable Schools WA Alliance
  • Cooperative Research Centre for Water Sensitive Cities Regional Advisory Panel
  • Planning Institute of Australia - Climate Change Action Group
  • Forum of Regional Councils
  • Municipal Waste Advisory Council and Committees - Officers Advisory Group, Household Hazardous Waste
  • Committee, Contaminated Sites Committee
  • Australian Landfill Owners Association
  • Waste Management Association of Australia
  • Strategic Waste Infrastructure Planning Working Group (Waste Authority).

Advocacy Strategy 2016 - 2020

The EMRC's Advocacy Strategy 2016 - 2020 was adopted by Council on 1 December 2016.

This strategy can be downloaded here.

Regional Advocacy Strategy 2016-2020
Regional Advocacy Strategy 2016-2020

Wendy Harris - Chief Sustainability Officer 
For further information please contact:

Phone: (08) 9424 2208

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